Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Early morning reflections

I went for a walk early this morning and I had fun taking shots of the reflections in the water when the light was still low. Despite using a grad filter the sky is awful in that early morning light, so don't look too closely!

On a Sunday the hotel has a brunch from 10am until 3pm, so we only went to breakfast at 11am and you can imagine how the boys eyes lit up at all the varied choice and quantity of food! Gavin and I have not eaten since then but of course an hour after we finished they were asking for something to eat again!

After brunch I took some family photos which was a very difficult exercise - the boys hate having their photos taken and complained and were not very co-operative, but I did get some nice ones. I have added an extra of one of my favourites from the day. 

We then caught the shuttle bus to the start of a walk up to Vernal Falls. Considering that today was 30C and a real scorcher we decided to only walk to the first waterfall, which was about an hour's walk, and not go on to Nevada Falls which is still further above Vernal Falls. There was plenty of water as it is the main River Merced which tumbles down those cliffs so there is water even in summer. I have added an extra of Vernal Falls. It was very hot and we were pleased to get back to the hotel for a cold drink on the patio in the shade.

Sadly tonight is our last night in Yosemite. We drive back to San Francisco tomorrow and fly home on Tuesday. It has been a fantastic holiday and I am very sad that it is nearly over. We have spoken about doing a trip like this for years and we planned this trip a year ago, but now it is coming to an end.

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