Like A Caged Animal.

Not the best day.

No1 son and family headed home.
Squirrel has not been well (maybe something she ate?)
The local dump recycling depot has changed its times again (which meant 2 trips).
The local pharmacy has a locum in - who didn't have access to the computer (allegedly) so couldn't confirm Squirrel was registered for 'minor ailment' medication and didn't have the brain to write things down and suggested going to see the doctor to get a prescription (at 4.55pm???) so we had to buy Calpol. God help the locum when Bags pats her a visit tomorrow.
3 hours after leaving LROS texted to say she had forgotten to pick up her hearing aid - a visit to the post office then ..............
SWMBO has stated that the shop load of candles in the garage has to stay (along with the nest of tables, ottoman full of magazines, 2 chairs, camel stool et. al.) thus preventing me from clearing space in the garage to set up the new lathe.

I think I shall go and throw myself to the tigers.

The extras are the monsters in the costumes me sister dropped off for their birthdays.

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