
By Madchickenwoman

"More Jam Vicar?"

Well - eating out on a summers afternoon would not be the same without a wasp or two one point we counted seven!
Sister and I went to The Garden House today - on the site of an old vicarage with a walled garden and so much more! We loved it! Gardens were a feature of our childhood as dad had passion for gardening and a large garden to indulge it in! Our childhood was spent helping him and when we went on holiday we always got at least one garden visit in! The Garden House was my dads favourite garden, he fell in love with it the first time I took him there  - and every time my parents came to stay we went there. When I had just dad staying whilst my mum and sister went abroad, we would go together, he couldn't get around quickly or easily but he still managed to see every part! 
We both photographed everything, me telling my sister how to use the various settings on her Olympus digital VG-170, she is the best at craft but a bit of a numpty with her camera! ( She is laughing as I read this to her and says she is quite a good student though!)
We had an Afternoon Tea  as they had stopped serving main meals. It came on a two tiered cake stand, cheese and pickle sandwiches, scone, jam and clotted cream, mini macaroons, bakewell tart, ginger bread and a meringue filled with, you guessed it, clotted cream with strawberries and an orange coulis - as in orange coloured, no idea what fruit it was but it was delicious! The wasps of course thought so too! My sister flapped at them and the more she flapped the more they flew around her, I sat perfectly still and they left me alone! She put some jam on a serviette to draw them away and then the fun really began! It drew them like bees to a honey pot!!!They are incredibly nervous - if I poked my lens too close off they flew, then they seemed to have trouble locating the jam again and would fly madly around, even landing on my camera, which is sweet to me but not their kind of sweet! 
Once our exceptionally good tea was consumed we set off for the walled garden - an amazing, dazzling array of flowers and colours. We went round the pond, where swifts/swallows(  birds with forked tails!  ) flew low and I spotted a man with the largest lens I have ever seen in real life! I wanted to ask him about the size of it but my sister is easily embarrassed! 
I took so many photos of flowers, including serene water lilies, plus an enormous black and yellow striped dragonfly and a red admiral on a Dahlia, yet have only processed this and my extra! In my wisdom I decided to back up my laptop and download Windows 10 at the same time - the back up has been running all day and is only at 39%!! I should have deleted my unwanted photos before I started too! But I cannot face starting the whole process again and I'm not sure the offer of a free download would pop up on my screen again! I'm not even sure the laptop will complete its tasks before going into meltdown as it is! The internet connection has been appallingly slow  and I have lost this whole entry once as it is! But I did like the wasps so wasps it is, even more apt as after this evenings slow internet I am feeling a little waspish myself - so yes - more jam please vicar it is! 

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