
Glorious day on the allotment - the sun shone and all was well in my world! I cleaned the coop, watered the allotment, had toast and marmite in the sun sitting outside my shed, then did some weeding! Finally my beans are cropping heavily and its beans with everything from now on! Home for Cheese and Gooseberry sandwiches and a snooze before going back up the allotment to put the girls to bed! I was most taken with the three stars making a triangle and pointing at the moon - no idea if they are part of a  particular constellation - but i photographed them from my attic and looked at my glorious view with pleasure.
The quote on my calendar says this which seemed apt today:-

    Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around us in awareness.
                     James Thurber (1894-1961)

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