Edinburgh Day 1

Left home at 7.30 am for the first day of my festival visit and I have 6 minutes left today to enter the blip.

We started in the City gallery for some Scottish colourists, then went to Dundas St to see work by John Bellamy in one place and Joan Eardley in a nearby shop. Some wonderful work, for sale to you if you can afford tens of thousands. We also visited the Portrait gallery for the Lee Miller photographs of Picasso.

We then had a potter in the Botanical Gardens and went to TukTuk for an early supper before Antigone at the Kings. It was so powerful the audience remained stunned at the end before someone remembered to applaud.

Tomorrow we are having a walk on the beach and a lazy day before going across the bridge to see Figaro.

This blip is the ceiling of the Kings by John Byrne, whose exhibition we attended last year. He is also a writer - Tutti Frutti with Robbie Coltrane comes to mind.

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