
By mambo

Glass Collector

Does anybody else do this?

I walk a beach everyday while in Abersoch but it's only on one beach that I collect bits of battered glass that gets washed up in the tides.

The best bit is that you don't find a piece every day and it has to have softened edges, (any sharp fragments are disposed of safely).

Each saved piece is put in my pocket, brought back to the caravan and put in a tin box.

Each year the collection grows by about thirty pieces.

Why do I do it?

The answer is I really don't know but I do know that one day when I no longer come here as often they will be placed in a glass vase or dish and they will remind me of here as no other momentos will.

Thought I would do a little processing on my collection and enter them under Absract Thursday.

Oh and just to tell you, last night our two Grandsons who are staying with us saw their first shooting star!

How awesome is that?

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