Abstract Birmingham

What a wonderful day and it has been so hard to decide which of the many abstract images to blip!

There is a group of us hardened Blippers who have met a few times in recent months and today we ventured NORTH!  I was very excited as I boarded the train to head 'upwards' but then started to wonder that if Terry Pratchett was right and the world is actually flat and floating around on the backs of elephants which are on the back of the Great Turtle A'Tuin, the train might just be about to disappear into the Great Abyss!

I am pleased to report that this didn't happen and I arrived at Birmingham Moor Street in plenty of time to meet fellow Blippers in St Martins in the Bullring Coffee Shop. (Why was I surprised to find that this is a church!?)

Unfortunately I didn't arrive on time for coffee as I got distracted on the way! Birmingham is full of Abstract opportunities and within a few seconds of alighting (love that word) from the train I was reaching for the camera.  The Selfridge's building (an 'extra') is interesting - love or hate it - it's interesting!

I wasn't as late as some others though but by the time we had all assembled and ordered our coffee, caught up on bits of news, met a couple of new people in the group etc it was lunch time.  Mind you, getting to lunch took ages and Rose (who set all this up) must have thought that herding cats would have been a doddle by comparison.

Lunch was very good and one of my extras is a fork.  Whilst setting this up (shiny fork, paper napkin wedged against my drink, a bit of flash) the waitress must have thought we were the gang of mystery eaters from TripAdvisor and asked if everything was alright!  I showed her what I was actually doing and you could see the 'Why?' look in her eyes but she smiled sweetly!

After lunch the 'cats' were on the move again with poor Rose trying to get us all to go in the same direction at the same time.  We explored some of the more unusual aspects of architecture including the new Library.

Eventually those of the group that had bought off-peak only train tickets had to head for the stations.  My ticket was 'open' and so I drifted towards my station.  I didn't actually get lost on the way but I didn't always know where I was (if you see what I mean).  I am not a good navigator so it's no good telling me 'You can't miss it!' because oh yes I can!

There were 12 of us (including two who are not actual Blippers but are 'allowed' into the group. So folks, this is the 'place to be' and watch out for the next group activity.  We plan to do Waddesdon Manor Seasonal Lights (not allowed the 'C' word yet) with afternoon tea and a German Market in B'ham with horse racing early next year!

Oh - my actual blip (if you still have the will to live having read through this) is of the renovations at New Street Station. It looks as if a bomb has gone off but is obviously work in progress with reflective surfaces everywhere.  I was there and still can't really work out what is what!

Such a great Blipmeet - don't miss the next one!

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