Morning snack

Got stuck in a traffic jam this morning - can't remember this happening here before!  The ferry was late, there was a huge truck taking up the entire first lane of the parking lot for vehicles waiting for the ferry, and traffic was backed up further up the road than I've ever seen it.   It was impossible to get out of the line until the ferry had unloaded and then those of us who weren't waiting for the ferry were able to quickly pass those who were.  I followed the little transit bus - I reckoned that the driver wouldn't pass unless it was safe.  Then I got stuck in the Mercantile parking lot because a delivery truck that was waiting to get on the ferry blocked the entrance after he had finished unloading.  So I took a couple of photos while I was waiting.  I was about to take one of The Wardrobe when this woman wandered over with her snack and sat down.  Bonus - a person in the photo!  I was going to crop the shot more like the thumbnail then decided to leave the view of the  shop in it.  The extra is of our little local post office.
A busy morning in the garden.  I thinned the second planting of beets, so some delicious young beet greens for supper, picked some huge carrots and was surprised at the size of them, and collected greens and onions for salad.  It's been such a great year for growing veggies and I'm so lucky that our well is okay.  Our neighbour is away and we're looking after his garden, so I went up to water that.  He has mainly indigenous plants that don't need to be watered that often.  On the sunshine coast on the mainland, all watering is now prohibited, even in veggie gardens.  People are being asked to use greywater.   We're almost at that stage here for people on the public water systems, I think.  Rain forecast for tomorrow. 
We sat outside last night and the night before and saw some awesome meteors and the International Space Station.  We were joined by a few bats flying around our heads and deer munching on the fig leaves that G tossed over the fence when he trimmed some off yesterday.  

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