Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2015 Friday -- The End is Near

I had read on one of the numerous Cayucos Facebook pages (motels, restaurants, Chamber of Commerce, etc.), that August 15 the pier construction would be complete. Well, I don't think the pier construction crew works on Saturdays. So we're hoping to see the finale of the pier reconstruction next week.

And regarding construction, we had a 90-minute phone call (on speaker phone) today with the head of our construction crew. We discussed a multitude of things regarding the upcoming remodel of this home. Walls will be demo-ed and new walls in a slightly different location will be constructed. New doorways made, a couple of windows removed, and solid walls installed. The entire kitchen will be rebuilt. To say this is overwhelming is an understatement, but such a very good phone call today and such a very good move forward to be improving this little beach shack.

Then we took the pooches walking on the beach in the very late afternoon (that's when this photo was captured) and as we got back to the car, an early evening wedding was happening on the beach. It was fun to watch.

Good night from California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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