Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

First Day of 2nd Grade

This is our great-grandson Tristan. He is the son of our granddaughter Desiree.

This is the photo posted on Facebook of Tristan today as he made his entrance into 2nd grade. Notice his Spiderman shoes. This little guy has had an addiction to Spiderman since he was a toddler.

Tristan is 7 1/2 years old and he loves school, so this was a very happy day for him.

Currently he lives with his Daddy and future stepmom, Nichole. She takes very good care of Tristan and helps him enormously with his schoolwork. On weekends he is with his mom Desiree.


We are still enjoying the Central Coast and will return to southern California next week.

Good night,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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