Nettle rash

Lucy left early this morning (she actually got up and had breakfast with Squidge without us realising - so much for her having a break this weekend, we had an accidental lie in!) Squidge is very taken with Lucy - apparently she has asked her if she'd be her best friend and as she was leaving she shouted "Love you!!!" So sweet!

Had to finish some work off so had a lovely morning sipping coffee in the garden on my laptop in the sunshine while Angus and Squidge went swimming. She tried her armbands out today which were a real hit.

After lunch, they were off out again to the airport to the Runway Experience to watch the aeroplanes. It's only up the road from where we live now so we have kept meaning to go.

I cleaned the house, did lots of washing and boring admin but felt good for it.

Angus handed over Squidge at 4pm so he could watch the football and Squidge and I headed out to find a duck pond my Wilmslow Auntie had told me about. But disaster struck - as she was throwing the bread in, Squidge fell in!!!! Only into the reeds and nettles but she was so upset. I had to fish her out, crying and covered in mud and reeds. Our second incident of the weekend (the metal binoculars bump yesterday). I felt so guilty.

This little fella cheered us up stalking us all the way home and I managed to distract her from her nettle rash...:(

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