A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


We've outsourced his teenage education. I don't see what could possibly go wrong.

Early morning dog walk slightly extended at the last minute to be up mountain and down dale. Beautiful in the early morning light and learned a lot about our neighbourhood at that sort of time.

Pool and lunch on the front (La Ultimate Ola for my ailing memory) which is where this was taken. The most notable observations so far, beyond noting what a pessimist Adrian is (he says just my luck a lot) being the 1980s language, for example, "did people really say dead good and dead bad"? This prompted us to remember the joys of saying "not" at the end of just about everything. Which it turns it is quite annoying, well for the kids anyway. Poor things.

Home for siestas, more pool and before you know it another meal - garlic and lemon chicken on the barbecue and various assorted rice and vegetable dishes.

Another good day.

Lesley x

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