Quiet day

Set off to Ottobeuren for a walk in the Bannwald. It was cool and trying to rain but we stayed dry.

Then back home for lunch after which a session of swimming for the children and dad. It was a bit difficult for them to get in as the water was now only 26°C but after a few minutes the teeth stopped chattering and the fun started.

Being their favourite food or rather food they like and don't have too many Italian restaurants on their back door in rural Ireland, we returned to Ottobeuren for a Pizza & Pasta at one of the Italians. Although it was rather late, the restaurant didn't have a free seat inside so we had to sit outside although it wasn't too hot but being used to the Irish summer temperatures, quite happy to sit outside in T-shirts. I was freezing just looking at them. Then learnt we had to wait at least half an hour as things were crazy with lots of takeaway orders in the pipeline on top of the packed restaurant. We could have gone to the other Italian right next door but "Little Italy" is our favourite, the children have tried both restaurants on previous visits..

We survived and the food was good - When I saw the pizza and pasta the children ordered, I was sure they would not manage half of it. Their dad was very disappointed to see empty plates, having planned on getting to get to clear up the leftovers.

By now it was pretty late and the children were ready for bed. Quickly took a photo with the mobile (camera battery had died) in front of the basilica.

Nice relaxed day.

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