
By earthdreamer

Chest Hair

It's difficult to get good photographs of chest hair - not, I should add, that I've actually been trying. That would be just plain weird! Mind you, at the end of a very stressful and rather strange week at work, I do feel a bit weird right now.

When my head sits mostly in the ethereal realm of code, I rely upon the folk of Market Square to keep me grounded. I talked to Robert here about the test match, which has again proved very disappointing as a contest. Once more it looks like I'm going to be denied any competitive Ashes cricket to watch at the weekend. Each match has been pretty much all over by the Saturday. This whole series has passed me by other than dipping into the text commentary at the office. Robert certainly held some quite strong opinions on the toss. 'Always bat first at the Oval,' he said. 'Always.' There is never any argument with hindsight. It's a truly wonderful thing!

Thanks so very much for your comments and hearts on yesterday's pair of portraits. Opinion seems completely divided between the colour and mono versions. I guess each is no stronger nor better than the other. I really like both equally for different reasons. What is not in dispute is that Billy's portrait made for a compelling photograph. I can't really put into words why exactly it stands out so much but I guess those eyes are the key. The eyes are invariably the key to a strong portrait. I showed him the picture in the camera and all he could say was that he looked a bit rough. I think it's hard for us all to recognise the beauty in ourselves.

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