vada abditae

By TomS


Yesterday I really missed having a dog - must do something about that. The weather was - as most of you will know first hand - 'unreliable'. What I needed was a reason to go out for a walk which would not be undermined by sudden squalls. I don't mind getting wet as a side-effect of going somewhere, climbing something or any other objective, but a walk just for the sake of it needs at least the promise of some better weather.

So this morning I set off early in the unrainy weather and bumped into a deer by Germany Beck. It saw me first, so I didn't get a blip of the deer, only its spoor.

If plans go ahead to build 700 houses of the (regularly flooded) fields around Germany Beck, which is also of historic importance as the location of the Battle of Fulford (20th September 1066), the deer will have to move. But since it does flood so often, I suspect they have a few other places to go nearby, quite unlike the prospective purchasers of those 700 homes.

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