Easy, like Sunday morning...............

We went to Porthcawl this morning, as there was a Model Railway show in the Pavilion. I thought I would be able to get some good blip opportunities around the town. What I didn't take into account, was the very heavy rain. We parked the car, and we went in opposite directions. I had a browse around some of the shops that were open, but soon got bored. The visibility was so bad, it was a waste of time walking to the sea front, so the best thing to do was go for a coffee, and shelter from the rain.  I have never been in this coffee shop before, but I was impressed. I sat on a settee , looking out at the rain. A lady passed me, on her way out and said, the best seat in the house, and it was.  I took my time, enjoying my Welsh cakes, and cappuccino, and then it was time to go back out into the rain. I walked back up through the town, and as it was raining even heavier, I decided to go into the museum, and I am so glad that I did. The lady who was volunteering,  I know her father  showed me around ,and it was really very interesting. I told her that my Dad was in the RAF in WW2, and she said that they are putting on a special exhibition very soon. She asked me if I had anything with the RAF insignia on. I told her I had a leather cigarette case, that belonged to my father, and  I would lend  it too the museum for the exhibition. I am so glad that I went in, and if it hadn't been raining cats and dogs this morning, I wouldn't have gone in at all.   Maybe it was fate that I was meant to go in this morning, who knows. Not long afterwards, J phoned to say he was finished, so I walked back to the car park and we came  home. A day with a difference that's for sure. Check out my extra photos.  

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