Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Cafe Royal

A very rare opportunity for Mr S and I to be allowed out without our little darlings attached.  This evening we were joined by Mr S's sister and husband.  You may recognise them from previous blips.

Tickets were bought for a comedian at the festival, and we headed into town by 5pm  (the decadence ! And we call ourselves PARENTS ! Tsk).

Upstairs in the bus we were giggling like 17 year olds (ok, there MAY have been a glass or two of something before we left the house!).

Edinburgh Town Centre was mobbed.  I swear this festival is ten times bigger than previous years.  A drink (and a pee!) in Rose Street, then another at George Square.  A moderately funny Newcastle comedian in a cramped and too hot venue.  All part of the fun.

Later this evening we met up with my big sister and her husband in Cafe Royal.  An old drinking haunt from my pre-marriage days.  A great night all round despite the rain later (I didn't feel the wet or cold - perhaps because of the bottles of Prosecco and a wee Drambuie or two).

What a great night - and a group blip.  We persuaded a nice bloke to take the photo, and his pal agreed to join us in it too.  

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