Proud Weegie

By Shiv


No 3 has a friend staying over tonight.  She says she wants to move to our street as there a fair few of the little school pals living here now. (when we first moved in it was all elderly couples...nae kids.  Changed days now).  It was lovely to see them all running in to 'call for' their friends, and playing outside on their scooters.  Probably the first time I've let her do this (we have a quiet road....but there are a few boy racers around).

They had a great time going from house to house.

This morning I attended the funeral of a friend from my old job.  She sadly lost a long battle with cancer, leaving a husband and 3 children.  It was a beautiful wee church, and a lovely service.  Her husband read a eulogy with enormous courage and humour.. they gave her a wonderful send off.

There was a second funeral today, but I couldn't attend that one.  Another young mum, leaving two beautiful (and very young) children.  I would have loved to be in two places at once, but couldn't.  

It's been on my mind a lot lately. Especially when I spend the afternoon cooking, cleaning, washing, driving, and two teenagers take me for granted (my mum called herself 'Mary the Maid' and I wish I could tell her that I understand why now!).

Big hugs to all the overworked, exhausted mums out's the best job in the world - but the pay and hours are challenging !

Night night Kathleen and Valene - xxx

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