
By MamaOfBoys

Infomercials and bugs

I'm so tired. I'm really tired. So much so i've drifted over into silly land, perhaps a little delirious.

I've been awake for 39 hours. I woke yesterday morning at 5 and i haven't slept since. And during the previous night was awake from 1-4 am so only got 4 hours in total. 

We are home from hospital. Marley didn't need surgery thank goodness.

We were seen at midnight by a doctor, then by a surgeon at 3 am, he'd been busy removing someones spleen. He checked Marley over who only 2 hours before had fallen fast asleep with no more pain. 

His tummy was soft, his appendix slim he says, noisy bowels but no masses or lumps. They then questioned testicular torsion as he couldn't find one of them. He left mar to sleep and got a surgical team in the morning to reassess. They found it , it wasn't where it was meant to be but was ok.

Mar slept mostly all night, nurses took obs every half hour which meant i didn't sleep. I watched infomercials instead.

I have to say initially at every infomercial i was like ugh this rubbish piece of thing but this is where they get you, they know your awake at an un godly hour , your tired, so they repeat it over and over again until you think , actually that's a great idea we should get one.

Mar woke cheery in the morning and sipped happily on his juice with a straw as he lay reclined watching tv while the surgical team felt his tummy again.

They asked him to do a urine sample which he was able to do but accidentally wee'd on my foot. Perks of motherhood.

We got to go home, the pain he keeps feeling is just cramping and its pretty painful. If the pain alone continues over the next few nights i can take him back and they may do investigative surgery otherwise its just gastro. A bad version of it that he hasnt completely got rid of.

He was really hungry today so ate heaps which probably wasnt a good idea, his tummy was sore tonight thought he kept saying his back. Hes been asleep for over an hour and a half now so im praying and hoping hes over the worst of it and he gets a decent sleep , we're trying to keep him calm when hes in pain as i think he panics and it makes it worse.

My father in law picked us up from hospital and i came home to Andre sick with the bug, hes been in a lot of pain tonight so no work today or tomorrow.

Hes exhausted too, last night was my first night away from Harper and Andre said they didn't really sleep.

Harper has been miserable today and then wandered over to me this afternoon and vomited all over me. Hes been ok since but poor baby its his birthday tomorrow and hes sick.

Mum came this morning as i called her from hospital and she helped clean up then took kanye for the day, after Harper was sick i called her and asked if she can have him for the night, i really don't want him to get it.

I disinfected the whole house today, i really should disinfect the patients. I changed all their sheets, did all other housework and made them have hot showers and rest mid afternoon. I want them all so badly to get better. 

Im in 2 minds about whether to go to bed, i know i should, i need sleep but i cant help feel if i do i'll be asleep for 10 minutes before one of them needs me. 

Many thanks to my mum and my in laws for being there, i couldnt have got through with out them all.

Just to end this, doesn't my second coffee look like a lion or am i seeing things?

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