Daddy's Day

Olivia was super excited to make breakfast for Daddy this morning. She did the chocolate heart and kisses on the toast and, bizarrely, loved the fact that I allowed her to help make a cup of tea - her job was to put the tea bag in the cup and then stir in the milk! She insisted on carrying the toast, cards and present to Daddy in bed. Daddy was chuffed but I think secretly he would have liked a little longer in bed, but what can you do when your children are excited!

We've had no more vomiting from D today or through the night but he has refused to eat anything. Although he has been wanting lots of cuddles today he has been playing really well so we decided to have a trip out to Waterloo this afternoon, just to see if we could catch any of the re-enactment. D of course fell asleep in the car so myself and O climbed the Butte du Lion and were rewarded with great views as the weather was lovely this afternoon. We missed the battle, which we thought the kids may be a bit too young for anyway, but we saw the camp and lots of people in costume. My Dad would love it so we're going to make sure that we get it in the diary for next year!

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