Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Roses in the Mist

It's been bucketing down most of the day and the best laid plans to head out and investigate a blip outside has been thwarted totally.

Fortunately I had a beautiful vase of roses to blip, they were given to CCN for her birthday by our great friend Sue. They have been absolutely amazing and every day they continue to astonish us.

It's been a good day to stack up plenty of firewood as I don't see this weather changing for a few days yet. We're lucky to have a very warm and cosy fire so we can bunker down and read a few books if need be.

I'm about to embark on a challenge which has come about from reading the first of two wonderful books that arrived from Canada last week, an incredibly generous gift from one of my blip heroes!!

The challenge is to photograph the same scene or subject at various times throughout the day. I'm allowed to do this over a series of days. The idea is to see how natural light accents a scene in various lighting conditions, so I've got to find a location where nothing blocks low-angled sunlight. I've got to ensure that over the life of the challenge I photograph my subject in early morning, midday and late day. As soon as it stops raining I'm off to find my location!!

By the way, the book is "The BetterPhoto Guide to Photographing Light" the authors are Jim Miotke and Kerry Drager.
I am finding it is really speaking to me as a novice photographer so that's really encouraging.

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