
By LadyPride

Thunderclap headache

My damn hormones rendered me useless yesterday again (hence the lack of blip). I was in bed by 8pm with one of my thunderclap headaches. They leave me irritable and nauseous and all I can do is lie down and wait for sleep.

It had been a struggle of a day getting things done and thankfully had a meeting cancelled so I spent the last half hour before nursery pick up online shopping in the window of this coffee shop on Deansgate with my cinnamon whirl (guilty pleasure).

It was Squidge's last ever day at nursery. Think we were more upset than she was, her keyworker was beside herself as well. She said she was a real character and would be missed.

Squidge skipped out of nursery unbothered with her best friend Sylvie (wiser than her years, she knew exactly what was going on!) wailing at the gate behind her.

Think we were also sad as it signalled our last ties with Chorlton being broken. Life will be firmly rooted in Wilmslow as of next week when she starts her preschool. We are so suburban now!

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