
By Madchickenwoman


Up early once more to do the chickens! They do make me laugh! They have an outer fence from the electrified one, and the inner fence is open to allow them to trundle down a path between the blackberries and then scramble down to the land below. They have to go in single file down the path and the sight of them doing so is just delightful! I then call them back and they come harem scarum back to eat the delicacies I have brought them! Today I pootled around the garden with my camera and got intoxicated taking the grass! A dewy green magical world!
Once home I started to tidy up the kitchen - but although the floor disgusted me I just didn't have the oomph to clean it - tried to tempt Gilesey out in an effort to avoid it, but she wouldn't come out to play! But Friend called, and since she had the energy and tomorrow is chemo day so after that she won't, we went for a pootle round Cotehele! Portly was a right pain every time we found a bench to sit on, and I remembered  my neighbour who usually walked her telling me to take a rolled up newspaper to smack her with!! I never have but today I think I would have used it! Particularly as Friend is a softie so she kept pawing at her! She knew better than to try it with me! When we had an ice cream I managed to tie her up round the large tree trunk the bench was supported upon so she couldn't do it! She made herself a mud pit under the bench instead! 
Once home and Milly and Tilly happy scratching in the garden I sat in the sun with a book - then I snoozed in the sun - pure bliss! Can't remember the last time I did this! Too soon it was triple chicken lock up time! On the way to the allotment I heard the bell ringers and saw the church lit up and determined to go back and get a photo! As I was putting the girls to bed the bells stopped! Ah well - next thursday I thought! When I first came to the village I did bell ringing for a while - learnt to ring them up and down - very satisfying! However one of the old timers just loved to tell me gruesome stories of the rope  looping and going round peoples necks and taking them up on the next bell swing! He had to drop his rope and grab his son once - his unattended rope then whipped around smacking everyone in the face! That rope end hurts! He also told me if I over rung the bell it would break the stay! These horror stories and the fact that the ringing began to involve mathematical sequences of ringing was enough to finally make me stop! I once blanked in a maths exam and sat the entire time doing sweet FA! What made it worse was the chemistry teacher I had a crush on for the entire time of my schooling was invigilating, and kept walking past me looking at me concernedly! He caught me at the end and asked me what had happened! I was mortified and ran away! 
Anyway - as I was cleaning the trays and water bowl the bells started again, so once the girls were in the coop I rushed to friends chickens. locked them up after checking they were all roosting on the high perches, and raced back up to the church. Needn't have bothered - have completely forgotten the little I know about night photography and didn't have the camera base to use the tripod in the back of my car! next week!
Tomorrow morning I will try to get the girls trundling down the pathway! 3 lots of chickens morning and evening - whose a lucky madchickenwoman!! 

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