Drawn to the Valley

A day of two halves it was today! First a walk with Nellie of the Woods to see if the walk was suitable for Friend in her wheelchair next time we do a "WWW" walk ( Women Who Walk! We also talk and eat a lot!) It had a tunnel that I literally squealed in, and sang! Next time we go I shall take my tripod as it was so dark apart from when cyclists went past - I scared a few of them in the darkness! At the end of the walk just above the tunnel is a pub where we had a cold drink and shared a slice of Gin and Tonic Cake!
Once home I then set out with Friend and The Gardener who has stayed with her the last two days whilst her daughters have been away. We went to Sue Richardson's home as part of the Drawn to the Valley open studios as she is a favourite artist of Friends. Her work is so joyous and full of life. Her home in an old style farmhouse was gorgeous too, as was her garden were we sat and had tea and biscuits! More of the tunnel here if you wish and a sneaky peak at more of the art work and setting here - and an awful lot of Friend with her friends!!! Another very happy and memorable day. 

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