The weather has been much better than forecast and today we walked across the beach and as the tide was out, we were able to visit the Fernpit Café that is only usually accessible when the tide is out and up the many steps.  The views were remarkable and this is the view looking back to where the river runs in away from the ocean.  It is extraordinary to realise how much water comes in when the tide rises.

The other photo shows the many visitors for the day who just plonk as close to the car park as possible and the tide completely out.

After walking back a different route further  up the river we felt quite pooped and lounged in the garden drinking Pimms.  Tonight after eating our last meal together we enjoyed sitting around the chiminear under a starry sky.

Tomorrow Redflash (sister) and Mr F will travel back to Winchester via Cullompton  to pick up Murphy where he has been looked after.

It will be strange not having them here and we will miss them, looking forward to their return in December when we will celebrate an early Christmas.

Thankyou my loyal friends on blip, sending hugs and love. xxx 

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