Butterfly Garden

I really wanted to blip one of my butterflies yesterday, so I decided to make a collage to blip today - theoretically the images were taken yesterday, but the collage was created today, so I hope that's allowed.  My favourite is the Red Admiral in the top right.

We went to Molly's at the beach for a bacon sandwich this morning and then went to look at some more cars for Alan, but didn't see anything.  Then we went to Tide Mills and walked along the beach to Seaford with the boys.  It was a lovely walk and very hot even though it was cloudy.  

We bought a drink off the ice cream man and sat on a bench looking out to sea before heading back, and once we got back to Tide Mills the Dieppe to Newhaven ferry was coming in to dock so we sat and watched it - it's huge!  We really must give it a try next year.

By the time we got home it was about 3.30pm, I don't know where the time went but we've had a lovely day, finished off in the garden. I sat on the sun lounger with a glass of rose watching Alan mow the lawn.  He was rewarded with an ice cold beer afterwards though :-)

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