Love is like a butterfly.

I went to the gym this morning, and when I came out, I walked over to the building that is being demolished. I took a few shots, and then phoned J to meet me. We had a light lunch, and this afternoon, I cleaned the Venetian blinds in our bedroom. It's a job I hate, but when it's done I wonder what I made  all the fuss about. I downloaded the photos I took this morning and I wasn't happy with them, so I sat out the garden waiting for some birds to come onto the feeder. I waited a while, and got bored, so I came in and decided to blip the card that J sent me for my birthday. The photo doesn't really do it justice, as the butterflies move when the card is rocked. When we were on holiday in Cornwall. earlier this year, we went to a little place called Zennor. We went into the old chapel for lunch, and while I visited the ladies, J bought this card from the little gift shop alongside. I didn't know this at the time.I really love it. We are having salmon with new potatoes, and peas for our meal tonight. The title of my blip, is from the series of the same name and it starred  Wendy Craig. We used to really enjoy watching it.

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