
By Angelique


As August has gone, I thought I had better post a blip and explain what has been going on down here.

Matthew had a holiday with us for over a week and we enjoyed sparkly fizz and pasties on the beach and some lovely warm days.  Sadly he returned on Tuesday so I am now able to do other things!

Thought you would laugh at the girls, Jazz and Sassie, enjoying a good fur ferret without being jumped on by Shelley who was playing with Phoebe.  The other photo is someone's hard work on the beach before the sea came in to reclaim it.

We are now busy packing for a fortnight in Ibiza and wont return until mid September.  The cats are having their holiday in the cattery and Phoebe will visit Sue in Somerset.

Take care fellow blippers.  Although I don't always comment I do manage to see most of your blips.  Hugs to you all.

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