Grey (Not "that" Bloke)

I cant help but think that there are grounds for a massive court case by anyone with that name. Just imagine having to introduce yourself and waiting for the smirk…No I would be changing to something else. 
When I was but a pup I was called “Miss Yellow”  and was jet black with a yellow ribbon around my neck. The B’s first set eyes on me on the web in a wicker rubbish tin with my paws over the edge and (They say) a huge red button that said “Press to buy now”
That bit is a fib cos it was an email and my kennel mum didn’t kno how to do big red buttons bark then. There is probably an App for it now but they pressed it anyway and went out to buy a book about Wheaten Terriers. They were in Seattle then so the Wheatens looked pretty odd and after reading the book they apparently tried to cancel their flight home. (not verified).
Anyway it has been a cool day. Temperature wise and otherwise as after coming home from this pic ‘Cos it was raining, The Boss, being a little distracted about trains….more on that next week…left my lead with attached treat bag on the dining room table…heh heh heh.


Pawscript…The levitation App for my dPhone works a treat but seems a bit heavy on batteries.

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