Weather Girls

So we woke to the sound of rain pitter pattering on our tent. Actually it was lashing down but there was nothing for it but to brave the storm and start packing up. A couple of hours later, wet through to our undies we had just about managed to squeeze everything back into the cars (although Darren did threaten to just leave their tent their after several failed attempts at getting it back into the bag). We drove straight to the nearest McDonalds which happened to be on a retail park so I ran into Next and bought a t shirt and jogging bottoms to put on as I couldn't face going all the way home in wet clothes and all our dry stuff was packed under several tons of camping equipment.
After Egg Mcmuffins and coffee we were all feeling a lot more human and managed the rest of the journey home in much better spirits.
Determined to drag the Holiday weekend put for as long as possible, everybody (except the Catteralls who had installed themselves on their sofa and weren't budging) came back to ours in the evening for a curry and lots of games of 'Heads Up'.
A fantastic end to a wonderful weekend of fun and laughter. I think we all agreed that we haven't laughed so much in ages and when you're knee deep in mud, you're soaked through to your knickers, you're rolling on a wet and dirty tent to get the air out of it and you can still laugh...well, I think that says a lot.

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