Unaccountably gloomy forecast
Today was forecast to be sunshine and showers, but was instead gloomy, overcast, showery and thundery all day. The forecast around here is usually pretty reliable, and when it is wrong it leaves me feeling rather unsettled all day. So, today for example, I kept wandering around knowing there was something I should be doing and finally realised that it was because I'd planned to do the washing. Tomorrow maybe.
Mr B headed off to London this morning, which may also have contributed to my restlessness.
There's a photo I've been meaning to post for days, but I keep being distracted by interesting bugs. And today is no different. Besides, the shot I keep trying to get is a bit dull, so I'll just describe the problem instead. I made some elderflower cordial a few weeks ago, but just when it was done Katherine told me that a neighbour (grown up) told her that there are two types of elder trees round here, and one type is poisonous. Unfortunately this knowledgeable neighbour is away for a month... but I went and looked at his trees and the only difference I could see between the one he said was poisonous and the one that is fine was that the poisonous one had bigger leaves. My elder has big and small leaves...
My understanding from when I was little was that anything green on the tree (leaves, stalks, unripe berries) was poisonous but the flowers were fine and the berries too if cooked. Now I'm all confused: does anyone happen to have any expert knowledge on this? Otherwise I may have to test the cordial Ray Mears style...
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