Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

That's the life!

The day was disappointingly dull to begin with, but the clouds cleared quickly, the sun came out, the sky got blue again, and we settled down for a day of high-twenties/low-thirties.

We needed to do some shopping for the bungalow we're staying in, and knew from last year that San Fernando is the place to go. It's just a short taxi ride, so off we went around mid morning. We had wonderful tapas in Taberna el Picoteo on what's like the Main Street in San Fernando, and then did our shopping for pillows and tea towels and the like. It's a great spot because it's non touristy, and affords an opportunity of experiencing  real Canarian life. We could have happily spent much more time there than we did, but the swimming pool at home was beckoning and the day was getting on.

Carl had been here for four days already by the time I joined him, so he's well acclimatised, while I'll be playing catch-up for a while. Lots of sun cream, stretching out on a lounger soaking up the rays — sure what's not to like about this life.

A siesta, then off to the nearby Yumbo Centre for food (not great) and drinks (brilliant time in the two bars we went to). It was quite late when we got back home.

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