The  title is a line from a Frank Sinatra song which I have always loved called "Guess I'll hang my tears out to dry",  and I felt it fitted the mood of the capture.  We went down very late to the sea around 19.30 and already the sun was going down.  The beach was almost deserted except for a seagull gathering.  How they all knew that it was the time for a mass gathering I don't know, but as we left the beach there must have been over a hundred, flocking in from everywhere.  The tide was on the turn so maybe the river water contained something edible!

We had spent the afternoon in Falmouth trying to find suitable inexpensive flooring for the main bathroom that Matthew uses but sadly came away frustrated having wasted too much time waiting for lunch in an eatery called Grapes.  Wont go there again!!

But we did find another book for Matty and will probably keep it for one of his Christmas presents (sorry that word again, but I have to plan well in advance.)  Also managed to buy some inexpensive Spring bulbs and hope to plant them today.

Hope your Monday was good to you.  I still remember how I used to hate the return to work and so relieved that it is now a thing of the past!!
Love to you all. xxx

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