twinned with trumpton


Just before 1100 on Thursday - we stepped off the train in Milngavie
Just after 1100 on Monday, we're on the platform in Fort William.

Day 5; awake at 5, out by 5.35.
Day 4 had seen a bizarre conversation with the railway people. Originally, she wanted to be home for her daughter, but the father said he could do Monday night if necessary - then we could have savoured the final day with a 1730 departure. So we tried to change the tickets. The only way we could do that was to get to a manned station. Nearest one (in spite of passing loads) is - Fort William. And we'd need to do it before the departure time of the train we were originally booked on. But - hang on - if I can get there in time for the train, I'll not be needing to change it!!! Bloody rules.
So anyway - hence the early start. 16 miles doesn't sound a lot but with 700 metres of ascent flung in, it's not a given.

So into the gloom and cold we went, flat calm and for the first time, the midges were out in force for us.

After an hour getting nowhere but up, we eventually got moving; but my left ankle increasingly swelling and stiffening. Manageable but not great.
At every landmark (there's not many in the mist) we checked our time, our distance to go, and we figured we were on course.
Finally, suddenly around 0945, we popped over a hill and there below us was Glen Nevis, the Ben to our right but covered in clag.

A long hard descent down a logging road was a bit of an anti-climax and as we stepped out onto the final 2 miles of tarmac, her knee went click. Uh oh....

She hobbled on and eventually, cruelly we got to the roundabout where the sign that tells us where the WH used to finish; there's a further mile to go...all the way along the main strip, past the station we need to be at in an hour and need to hobble half a mile back to...

At 1035, we reached the end. A sense of relief as much as achievement given we spent much of the 5 hours getting there wondering if we would make it in time.....

No rest, it was off to Tesco, she bought shiraz, I bought 2 large bottles of Bud, some camembert, grapes, baguette, beetroot dip, and headed for the station.

We boarded, then slumped into our seats, cracked open the drinks, looked at each other and smiled huge big smiles......

A glorious train journey home, past many of the places we'd walked up in the previous days. 4 days up, 4 hours back...

I walked her home, did some shopping for her (the knee by now is barely functioning), my ankle swelling and red.

I got in at 6, bath on, washing on, and then mostly slumped, exhausted - mentally as much as physically - on the sofa.

I'd recommend it to anyone. Just maybe take a day or two more to do it, though.

96 miles done, 0 to go.

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