T'Abbi Cat

Bit of sunshine this morning, but not so warm as yesterday.

Left home in good time to get me to Pilates and meet sis there. Tutor worked us hard this morning, but it felt good ;-)

We then went off to mums, to,find her pottering in the garden, she had lost track of time, and hadn't realised it was 12! Something that does seem to be happening more often these days :-/. Once we were all changed we went out to the garden centre for lunch.

It clouded over and was decidedly chilly........we had a quick,look around outside, and I picked up another lobelia, similar to my blip yesterday, only a salmon pink,with green leaves. I'm sure I can find a spot in the pond for it ;-)

Sis went home, me and mum did a little shopping in Sainsburys before going back to mums. The sun broke through again for a little while so we sat out in the garden, I finished off some cutting back for mum, where she had not been able to reach.

Mum is looking after her neighbours cat, this is Abbi, she is 18!! She is a Mackerel Tabby, her eye sight is failing, her hearing is failing, she hasn't many teeth left, so lives on creme fraiche and other soft mush (!) her back legs have almost gone, she sashays when she walks, she's sooo wobbly, but she is still a lovely little thing, as you can see :-) Mum fusses over her no end!

Pretty uneventful day today........got home in time to watch England v Swizterland. Not the most entertaining match, but a win is a win ;-)

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