All washed up...........

Woke up to cloudy skies, not what the weathermen said :-( despite this, we had decided to go out for a long walk today, somewhere a little further afield, so after a few deliberations off we went towards the coast and ended up in Formby.

Oh joy, as we parked up, there were bright patches of blue sky snd sunshine! We donned our walking shoes and off along the coastal path we went; the breeze did feel a bit chilly, but we were dressed appropriately :-)

The light was really good for photography, so as you can imagine, I was a happy snapper! After a while we ventured off the path down onto the shore as the tide was well out. As we rounded the headland, a little sailing club came into was quite sheltered so we sat a while looking out to sea, with the sun warm on our faces :-)

Its been difficult choosing a shot, I had so many! Ive opted for this one because hopefully it gives you a sense of our delightful day. I'm guessing we walked 5 miles or so in really pleasant sunshine, but as we got back to the car the cloud thickened again and the sun has not been seen since! I guess we should consider ourselves lucky!

We stopped off at one of our favourite watering holes for a light lunch and beverage before driving back home. We will not be having dinner as such today...... maybe a snack later on!

Must get on now, laundry to attend to!

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