
By MamaOfBoys

To the dentist

Marley had his dentist appointment today where he was sedated using gas.

I was skeptical he'd be cooperative but the proved me wrong. The gas worked so well the dentist was able to numb his gum via injection without him flinching, then do a filling on one of his teeth, he was under for an hour.

He had a hole in between two of his teeth, its in his baby teeth but he still wanted to fix it so it didnt cause him any grief. He said that he has one other small hole in between two of his other baby teeth that he'd like to fix and do some preventative work on his teeth.

He was a lot kinder than last time where he gave me a lecture. When i explained that Marley along with Kanye were difficult to get their teeth brushed and that with Kanye even with us having to hold him down to brush his teeth twice each day we still cant get to those in between bits where food gets stuck, its impossible to floss their teeth. I said that  Kanye  had work down to remove an abscessed tooth and  all the little holes they found were between his teeth and that they fixed them under anaeasthetic and did some preventative work, he said he felt for me that he understood that it was hard.

He said that Marley is the same the 2 holes he does have are between his teeth where as i said food gets stuck, he said Marleys teeth were otherwise very clean and healthy. So he would do some work to further protect his teeth. 

I felt reassured, i felt Marley and i were taken care of.

He was so great at the dentist i was so proud of him.

His mouth was numb for a couple of hours and he was hungry so i gave him lots of soft food to eat.

I had contacted Marleys teacher about yesterdays incident, which she followed up. She said that the child who we thought had accidentally hit mar in the face with a stick actually did it on purpose, she had dealt with the child and contacted his parents. 

What concerned her is that he was so quiet all afternoon after the incident had happened (we found out it was at lunch time)and that he hadnt told anyone about it. I said that it also concerned me as he usually tells me if something had happened but for him to just be quiet and not say anything until much much later is worrying, we both agreed he seemed to have bottled it up and was troubling him.

Ive gone over with Marley that if someone hurts him he needs to tell his teacher or me, that hes ok that we will take care of it, the thing is with mar is we never know what happened, he tells us what he thought happened not necessarily what actually happened.

 Im worried that now there's been a time where he hasnt said anything about someone else hurting him he may continue to do it, the school are very anti bullying and try to be on top of it always , but its not so easy if the child in particular has trouble making sense of social interactions already.Makes him more vulnerable.

Anyways its been dealt with and thats all i can ask for. 

So proud of him today,

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