
By Madchickenwoman


AH14 has arrived! Very close to a backlip with 2 minutes to midnight! Thats because the only time she has been quiet is when she had been taking a photo or choosing her blip!
Spent the whole day getting her room ready - moving boxes, moving the wardrobe I had salvaged from French Friends trip to the tip, hoovering, cleaning the windows, making the bed and then trying to make the rest of my house vaguely clean and presentable! Gave myself a near migraine and had to take a break whilst the pink tablets worked their magic! Finally house was ready, I was showered and dressed and about to sit down for a George Clooney and AH14 arrived! What perfect timing!
We had a walk into the village for toilet rolls and milk!  The Muscovy ducks were in their usual spot and the sun was beginning it's downward descent as we walked along the river - chatting nineteen to the dozen and taking photos as we went! 
Home, cooked dinner, drank a bottle of fizz and we are still chatting! I think we will still be awake so catching the sunrise will be no problem!  Just read this to her and she says dream on!! 

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