One step at a time!

By IanO

Monday 31st August

This pic shows the view from the cottage. 

The days have already started to meld into one and we completely forgot today was a bank holiday. Monday started the same as yesterday, beautiful warm sunshine, a few friendly walkers passing the cottage and stopping to pass the time of day whilst our dogs got to know theirs. I could really get used to having breakfast outside every morning, this is the life.

Well that was this morning, the rest of the day was sunny and warm until clouds gathered about 4pm. Happily we managed to dodge the showers whilst visiting Castle Douglas, walking the dogs and eating fish and chips by the loch. Well I say walking the dogs, this mainly consisted of Suzy walking and me carrying Lucy around the town as it was obvious that she was in considerable discomfort today. We followed the back road to Kirkcudbright and were surprised by the puddles and very wet roads. 

Finished off with a walk (and a carry) on the beach, then home to put our feet up. Tonight finished up a little damp with heavy cloud cover, definitely no huge moon to tempt us outside to take photographs and marvel at how bright the moonlight was!

Yesterday's back Blip

More pics on my Flickr page here.

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