Our new chapter

P's first day at school was a huge success. It's been a lovely sunny day and P was really excited to get to school. She even brought her uniform into my room this morning asking for help to put it on (she never willingly gets dressed!)

We dropped A at nursery and carried onto the school. Waiting in the playground P noticed a few of her nursery friends arriving. She was very excited dancing round and round. Once the teacher opened the door I gave her the biggest cuddle ever and waved her inside. She looked a little unsure and was ushered into the classroom. My heart gave a little leap.

I spent my free time at the hairdressers and collecting an eBay purchase for A. A booster seat to use at the kitchen table in the vain hope that he will sit in it for an entire meal.

G&G came with me to collect P at lunch time. She had the biggest smile when she came out and couldn't tell us fast enough all the things she had done and what had happened. She had thoroughly enjoyed herself and asked if she can go back everyday!

We then collected A from nursery and went to the garden centre for afternoon tea. They do special kids ones and I booked it as a special treat. We all ate our body weight in cake and scones. The perfect end to a lovely special fist day.

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