
Back to the Town Hall Square, this time with my lovely friend B, who is visiting from Perth in Australia. Although it does look a bit like Captain Blair Mayne is standing on our heads.

B and her husband A emigrated over 20 years ago and when I saw her again this week (the first time they have returned to NI) it was as if no time had passed at all. She is the same lovely, thoughtful and fun friend who left all those years ago.

We all headed out on the boat for a wee sail, but it was blowing a hooley and really cold! The boat was heeled over about 70 degrees (I may be exaggerating a tad) and I thought we might end up trailing our toes (and the rest of us) in the water!

As ever, the Ards Man was an excellent skipper and returned us safely to the Marina.

I was reminded of a poem my granny used to recite ... 'Make new friends but keep the old; one is silver, the other, gold. B is certainly a golden gal for me :)

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