
By MamaOfBoys

Ahh the bugs are back in town.

So this morning we decided we'd have an awesome day cleaning the house, listening to music (macklemore and ryan lewis downtown over and over) and generally have a great day in the sun. Its the weekend hey!

Kanye went to mums for a few hours , Marley wanted to go too. 

So Andre ,Harper and i cleaned the pets hutches and started on the house, when Mar got home i noticed he was warm but put it down to sitting in the sun.

Debbi came by and it was great having coffee, catching up with her. While she was here Mar came over to me sat on me, resting his head on my chest and fell asleep. That was extremely unusual for him. He was really hot too and he kept mumbling stuff probably in delirious feverish state of mind.

After Debbi left we took his temp which was 39.4 so Andre took him to the doctors. Tonsillitis. Wonderful

Tonsillitis is caused by 2 things. Bacterial - by the same bug that causes strep throat. Viral- by the epstein barr virus that causes glandular fever.

They put him on antibiotics an pain relief. Recurring strep or tonsillitis or un treated can cause rheumatic fever so always good to get sore throats seen.

I'm a bit frustrated and perhaps my frustration isn't warranted , i dont know but talking with some mums at school on Thursday one happened to mention their child had tonsillitis and was at school- on meds but still at school. 

When i heard Mar had it my mind flew back to her saying that. Maybe he got it from this child , maybe he didn't but to me its too much of a coincidence that this child had it and now mar does too. It is contagious, and often symptoms can remain for up to a week even with treatment .

I emailed Marleys teacher venting my frustration as its already been put around  at school that if your child is sick they need to be at home to prevent others from getting ill. Some parents just ignore that.

Anyways, like i said in the email there's nothing i can do now but love him and help him get better. He was meant to go to his grandmas to stay the night, he hasnt spent much time with them in a long time and he misses them so much so he was heartbroken that he couldn't go. Grandma came to see him though, he was tucked up in bed. 

Once grandma left he was out to it. Sound asleep. Poor kid, hes been so unwell this year.

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