The 'U' in Mum

The Sculpture show up the coast today was just many fabulous things to see.......however I would of loved to of been there to see the huge cranes that installed some of those very large pieces too.
There were a few that stood out (to me) ...for different reasons......this one was particularly popular...... it was MUM in huge letters with a place to sit in the middle of the U.

I don't usually take photos of people.....(except Flynn) but looking back on the many images that I took today if I had payed more attention to the way folk were relating to the sculptures rather than the sculptures themselves...I reckon I could of got some great shots. I did think of a couple of my blip mates who are just awesome at taking street shots/portraits........maybe I might give it a go next time. 
A fabulous day with a friend I don't get to see as often as I would like to.

“The object of the artist is the creation of the beautiful. What the beautiful is is another question.” 

― James Joyce 

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