Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Autumn colours

Luke left this morning to go to Cornwall for the week with a group of friends. A friend collected him from our house and there were four big lads  in a small car. To be honest, in the wet weather and with a driver who has never done such a long journey before, I would rather have paid for him to fly there, but he is paying for this holiday himself and he said it was cheaper to share a car than to fly, and he wanted to be independent and pay for his holiday himself.

I spent the morning re-editing some images that I want printed by a professional lab. I had to download their printer profiles, soft proof the images on my screen, re-edit to account for the gamut differences and then save the images with their colour profiles - to some of you this will be a routine exercise but I did not know what I was doing so it took a few phone calls to the print lab to make sure I was doing it correctly. When I receive the prints I will know if I did it correctly!

No time for photos today, but I saw this view and liked the way the leaves are starting to turn from green into the vibrant colours of autumn.

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