The Lakes

I wasn't as stiff and sore today as I expected, so the pills must have worked their magic!

My daughter had requested some gingerbread from Grasmere, so we headed for the Lakes today. First stop, for lunch, was going to be Kendal, but it was so packed with people and cars that we couldn't get parked anywhere.

We drove on to Windermere and thought we were going to have the same problem there, but were lucky when someone pulled out of the car park just in front of us. After lunch, we continued down to Lake Windermere and met half of Japan wandering the streets:-). Too many people for me, so it was on to Grasmere to get the gingerbread, then we turned round and headed back to our cottage.

My last visit to the Lake District was about 20 years ago and I loved it. This time I hated it! If it's this crowded in September, what must it be like in the middle of summer?

I managed a few quick shots from the car as we drove home, including this one of one of the steamers on Lake Windermere, but, sad to say, we won't be going back.

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