
By bananablip


Nearing the end of this year's book challenge and it's looking like I'm going to complete it for the first time. I was so excited about book #46 but I'm afraid I had to abandon it a couple of chapters from the end (something I never do). It was refreshing to pick up this book, one of my Yorkshire purchases, because by comparison it's brilliantly well written. Sorry Bob Goff, I'm sure you're a truly great man, but your book was utterly terrible.

Back into the full swing of schools work today, hence the lame, too tired at the end of the day pic. Loads of planning this morning, met with one of the new college students, had CU at sixth form, straight onto a school club then straight onto choir. Lots of changes and challenges but I'm sure we'll settle into it.

I resisted a doughnut at our after school club, a cherry one at that. I can't believe I did it - it's a particular weak spot.


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