
By MamaOfBoys

I cant talk to you right now

Literally. I've lost my voice.

Soooo all my bragging -i dont have tonsils haha i beat you tonsillitis turned against me. I may not have tonsils but i have a throat. 

The boys have developed this chesty cough and so have I. And this ridiculous cough that's like this hacking annoying tickly phlegmy cough that keeps appearing until i am coughing those green bugs right out of my lungs have made my throat sore, then of course because Andre came home sick today his throat was so bad he couldn't talk so i did a lot of talking to the kids and maybe a bit of shouting to them outside. 

Then suddenly there was no voice to talk to them with.

Now feel like a teenage boy, when i try to talk some words sort of come out regular but at a whisper the rest this mouse like squeak, its hard to be serious and tell the boys to eat their dinner when i cant talk. Mar keeps telling me he'll find my voice and is actively looking for it, bless him.

I'll be alright in the morning, just need to be quiet for a while which is hard with 3 boys and in general for me. I feel ok otherwise so nothing to complain about!!!

Mar is a lot better as is Harper but as i said they both have this hacking chesty phlegmy cough too. They're still on antibiotics so i'm sure they'll be ok.

Oh my gosh Marley ate 2 yoghurts today!!! I'm pretty excited, i think hes all a go with them now and they're officially an ok food!

 He actually ate well today, he asked for beetroot and kale in his juice but i didn't have kale so did silver beet, beetroot, celery, carrot, apple, strawberry. He had a massive cup - loved it, then had toast with lsa peanut butter, had a bag- yes a whole bag of nuts(mixed) for lunch along with yoghurt, orange and cheese and crackers. Annnnndddd tonight he willingly ate plain roast chicken with no fuss, not much but he ate it without making a huge deal. Thats huge.

So above the pic is of Kanyes certificate!!! My sweetie, he got it in the ferndale assembly they have as a whole school before end of term! I'm so proud of him, he was pretty proud too! 

The other photo is of 2 of the 3 sicklets sleeping this afternoon for about 3 hours. The other other photo is of a blossom tree under street light, my camera didn't catch it well but it was so pretty! I was out before getting gargle and strepsils, i'm not a big fan of lozenges but ahh well. 

So tonight i was going to shower the boys but Harper refused to get in with me so him and Mar ran around nudey in the warmth of the early evening sun as it set, when i got out i whispered to Andre that if Harper hasn't already all this nudey time he'll need to wee soon. Andre took him to the toilet and stood him on the step stool, hes been taking him off and on for the past 6 months, he does nothing but Harper thinks the whole business is pretty amazing giggling all the way . Tonight though he did the smallest wee in the toilet so he got the supreme reward of flushing. We clapped and cheered. Obviously loving the attention he went back for more but only for the flushing action. With summer coming up will be a good time maybe to train him.

My washing machine got delivered at 8 am this morning, interestingly its smaller than my last, its narrower but deeper if that makes sense?. Streamlined! I immediately started washing stuff once the delivery guys finished with it. Its so quiet and it spins heeyyyy! Andre suggested had we not got the new one we could have always got a hand spinner for the spinning with the old one.... Umm hmm no.

Anyways i got a lot done today , cleaned a lot of rooms, got rid of some spider webs now i have a vacuum with a  hose long enough to reach them with me half way across the room so as not to be hit with fallen daddy long leg spiders..That's always important.

Meant to be a beautiful day again tomorrow, the sun makes such a difference to mood, you feel alive and happy when the sun shines. I think me being down last week could partly be accounted for from the weather, not being warm or go outside or get washing done the machine not working and the weather not being good enough to dry it. Grey rainy cold days with sick people through out the house really bring you down. 

The kids loved it being warm outside and being able to play out there until dinner time. Yay for summer coming!

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