
By MamaOfBoys

The smallest things

Today i felt cold and achey- probably the part of this bug that managed to get me, feel alright now as i write this so fleeting.

Andre was at home working still not well, Marley and Harper are getting better, they've developed a chesty cough so i'll wait until Marley stops coughing to send him back to school. They're both still pretty exhausted, sleeping mid morning in their beds. Fever has seemed to have gone so that's promising.

The smallest things made me happy today like after a year of not eating yoghurts after they change d the packaging i convinced Marley to eat one, he ate half, he gagged a bit- mind over matter i think. 

I rewarded him and said if he keeps it up he can get more stars on his chart. Pop came by and chatted with us, had coffee and took Mar and i along to the toy shop where because of Mars efforts for trying a new food he put in with me to get mar a toy for a reward. Im hoping it will become habit no he knows actually yoghurt is fine.

If you dont know Mar, i can imagine it sounds a bit over the top but this small achievement is huuuugeeee. He is a really picky eater and it can be the smallest thing or change that puts him off something completely. Unfortunately it seems to be part of the parcel with an aspie boy- its extremely common for them to be picky.

Hes been so unwell as well that hes lost a lot of weight so i'm working on betting him better and stronger.

Mum came to help me with the housework this afternoon so i much appreciated it. I was too exhausted and i wasn't getting much done.

The other small thing that made me smile is getting a new washing machine and vacuum cleaner. Exciting!

I called the washing machine people and they said it could be around $300 all up for a technician and parts. My washing machine stopped spinning properly, clothes were coming out wet, it was having major issues. We've had it for 5 years and  really the size of it doesn't suit what i give it each day, i easily do 4+ loads whereas its probably more suited to a 2-3 person family who might do 1-2 loads. The fisher and paykel people said it sounds as though its done its dash and had a good run.

The shop we got our new one from did a price beat which was awesome as one of their competitors had it 200 cheaper so the lady matched it! Plus we got a bigger one to suit us, bigger drum. And an extended 5 year warranty so if it has issues a technician callout will be free

I also got a new vacuum , mine is taped together at every joint and has no wheels and the handle is glued on , i've had it for years and i use it twice a day, the kids have ridden it and been a bit rough with it, it just wasn't doing the job anymore.

Though interestingly it comes with 5 different feet( are they feet or heads?) and that's not including the wee attachments- the brush and the thin nozzle one. It has a huge one for turbo- its massive and i guess is for the ultimate clean- spinning brush in it. The next one is the regular that comes with every cleaner has a switch for carpet to hardwood. The  next is upholstery, the next is hardwood only foot. And the last is small turbo for cars and whatnot. A lot to take in - im going to actually have to think when i go to vacuum which one i'll need to do the job haha

This sunset topped off the day, it was beautiful day, warm and sunny. What my family needs to get better. 

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