
By MamaOfBoys

Dig dig dig

Perhaps hes looking for my voice .. Hope he finds it.

I am still mostly voiceless, it comes back a little bit when i don't use it for a while, i still have this nasty cough which is driving me crazy. The boys are still coughing like little old men too, Harper more so than Marley. They both look so tired still. Andre is ok, still not 100%

I had to run a few errands, dropping our new tenancy agreement in to work and income, picked up a toy for my nephews 4th birthday that was yesterday and headed to the toy library to take old stuff back and get new for the holidays. I took the boys with me which was a mistake. They soon found what they wanted and while i tried to tell the occupational therapist there in my squeaky voice what i was after for the holidays they had gathered up things and put them at the front desk waiting for order.

So we have 3 trikes, a small spinny wheel that they can sit on, a dump truck and this sand digger. Marley was so excited that they had one, hes been asking for ages- since i said i'll put the sandpit together for one, that he saw in a toy catalogue, only that one cost 50$$$$ to buy This one to hire for 2 months cost me $2. 

So i had to go pick up some sand on the way home and put the pit together which kept Marley busy outside in the fresh air all afternoon.

I did get a light table and a toy baby doll that i wanted and wow did they take to the toy baby, well Marley has. He has played and taken care of it all day. Hes showered it, dressed it and put it to bed. 

I encouraged Andre to help him play with it, along with being a great thing for boys to do in general- play with dolls- break that 'dolls are for girls type message' its a great way to show little guys like Mar about taking care of something, nurturing and loving another human. 

We've showed him about taking care of his pets and he loves that but this is different. 

Anyway He loved it , its his baby, hes daddy and Andre was helping to show him how to dress it and whatnot- though at one point Andre took it too far saying ' Mar if your dadda to baby then mum is grandma' I grabbed his arm and shook my head. 

Noooo noooo i'm not even 30 don't start calling me grandma, don't do that, that freaks me out.

Harper was initially not impressed at all by the toy baby, eyebrows were raised and the toy baby was thrown at one point but once Mar started to wash it Harper was very interested. ' Wasshhh baby' Says he.

Kanye also loves the toy baby. My mama in law pointed out mar might get upset when it take the baby back so i'm thinking of buying a toy baby to keep here but the way its going i may need to get 3 toy babies.

Its been a  busy day but a decent one. Toy babies though  hard work. Ive had to babysit often while Mar plays.

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