
By scharwenka

Framed by Trees

The jolly 'frame' was taken at the Encaenia Garden Party, hosted by the Vice-Chancellor of the University.

This annual function marks the winding down of the Academic Year, and it follows the Encaenia ceremony in the morning at which honorary doctorates are presented to the great and the good. One of those so honoured today was Aung San Suu Kyi, and she graced our Garden Party with her presence.

One of the features of the Garden Party is the variety and colour of the academic robes sported by those present. Just a few examples will have to suffice here to give a flavour of the event.

Here you see a few people with their drinks.

And these people have their sandwishes and strawberries under the shade of a great tree.

We were entertained by a fine brass band, with some particularly good trombone players.

The Garden Party takes place in different colleges each year, on some kind of rota. This year's was in Worcester College, which has specially fine and extensive grounds, and its own lake. I hope that you can see from the photographs what a beautiful setting this was for the event.

This little picture shows a corner at the entrance to the grounds, where a very lovely old-fashioned 'Engkish' garden gave much pleasure to the guests.

And what about this very neat lawn-mowing with concentric circles? It's almost up to our standards at home!

For a more complete set of my photographs from this afternoon, and a glimpse of some more bright academic dress, please visit my small gallery via this link.

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